Balanced audio — is a method of interconnecting audio equipment using impedance balanced lines. This type of connection is very important in sound recording and production because it allows for the use of long cables while reducing susceptibility to external… … Wikipedia
Balanced line — In telecommunications and professional audio, a balanced line or balanced signal pair is a transmission line consisting of two conductors of the same type, and equal impedance to ground and other circuits. [Young EC, The Penguin Dictionary of… … Wikipedia
Balanced circuit — See also Balanced line A balanced circuit is a common method of transmitting many types of communication signals between two points on two wires. In a balanced circuit the individual signals on each wire are inverses of each other as referenced… … Wikipedia
Signal (bridge) — In the card game of contract bridge, partners defending against a contract may play particular cards in a manner which gives a signal or coded meaning to guide their subsequent card play; also referred to as carding. Contents 1 Standard signals 1 … Wikipedia
SIGNAL Magazine (official publication of AFCEA) — Overview= SIGNAL Magazine [ [ SIGNAL Magazine website] ] provides the critical technical communications information needed by defense and government experts and their suppliers. It covers the communications and… … Wikipedia
Balanced — F/A/V An audio circuit with 3 wires, two which carry signal, and a third which is contected to a ground (grounded). (Sound) A&V A circuit having two sides (conductors) carrying voltages which are symmetrical around a common reference point,… … Audio and video glossary
Audio signal — An audio signal is a representation of sound waves in a different form. Typically this is an electrical voltage, but it can be magnetic, when recorded onto analogue tape, for example, or as radio waves. An audio signal can be manipulated, stored … Wikipedia
Common-mode signal — is the component of an analog signal which is present with one sign on all considered conclusions. In electronics where the signal is transferred with differential voltage use, the common mode signal is called a half sum of voltages: When… … Wikipedia
Mutual Balanced Force Reductions — Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions (MBFR) waren am 30. Oktober 1973 in Wien begonnene „Verhandlungen über die gegenseitige Verminderung von Streitkräften und Rüstungen und damit zusammenhängenden Maßnahmen in Europa“. Die Verhandlungen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions — (MBFR) waren am 30. Oktober 1973 in Wien begonnene „Verhandlungen über die gegenseitige Verminderung von Streitkräften und Rüstungen und damit zusammenhängende Maßnahmen in Europa“. Die Verhandlungen verliefen parallel zur Konferenz für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ternary signal — In telecommunication, a ternary signal is a signal that can assume, at any given instant, one of three significant conditions, such as power level, phase position, pulse duration, or frequency. Note: Examples of ternary signals are (a) a pulse… … Wikipedia